Exercise 2.2: Virtual worlds and "citizenship"
Well here I am looking totally confused and lost, in Second Life. Choosing who you are to be is almost taken from you by Second Life. You can choose a first name but you have to choose from a list of name for your surname. Not sure why this is perhaps it is something to do with the ability to chat! don't know.
As I'm using prepaid Internet I decided to downloaded the game using fast broadband connection at school ( wasn't blocked) I have sufficient memory and system requirements to play the game.
I don't like the game I also don't like SIMS. I don't seem to have the understanding of the controls etc and what it is I'm supposed to get from the game. I asked my daughter to play the game for me and she loved it. She is so natural with SIMS, Instant Messenger Services and online chats, she appears to automatically know what to do, I still can't use all of the features on my mobile phone and have to ask her how to access them. I think it would be fun chatting with others of like interests, but this is not for me.
I did notice that Second Life can be used to enable new models of learning an article on this can be viewed at http://secondlifegrid.net/sllfe/education-use-virtual-world

Wow! I spoke to a character called Carrisa. To talk you type then press enter cool!!! Wow again I had my first fling experience I pressed fly then page up thought I was going to hit the ceiling! then I hit page down and landed a bit heavily, didn't feel a thing ;) lots of cool sea gulls around here.
I wonder what happens if you are not online? Can you still play I will have to see about this.
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