Exercise 5.1: The many faces of you
image retrived 5/9/09 from
What are my online identities?
myCSU e-box, Interact, e-mail accounts, blog, wiki, LC_MOO, Delicious, Teacher Tube, You Tube, Facebook, Second Life and DET Portal.
I think I'm consistent across all of my online activities.
I feel that a persistent identity says I'm predictable and regular in my habits.This pattern or rhythm is a behavioural fingerprint, suggests Child, 1998. Niels states that a persistent identity builds reputation. I suppose this brings us back to Topic 2 and the video of Who Is the Dick on My Site? Yes how can you be sure of who someone is! How can you truly prove who you are?
Palmer states that"...identity has more to do with thoughts and ideas than with
events or physical appearances" retrieved 5/9/09 http://www.avataroverdrive.com/inside_avatar/i_a_5/Who.htm
So if it is only your thoughts and ideas that keep you consistent while online then your identity should be safe.
references: Child Lee 1998 Bantam Press Die Trying
Morley Deborah & Parker Charles S.2007 Understanding Computer Today and Tomorrow 11th Edition Thomson
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