image accessed fromhttp://www.link3it.com/blog/?p=59
Q1. Am I getting inundated with new tools and services? Yes, in this course alone I have encountered so many previously unknown tools. Some of which like Skype I have not even ventured into. Tried to get onto the Tolbox site today 21st during my lunch break at school, guess what! Blocked by the DET.
From Ken's list I'm saying to myself what is Webex, Elluminate and Google Wave!!!! I'm Out of my depth here. I know what Itunes are but I don't use them. Why am I reluctant to try and have a go. My personality requires me to see others using it and to try it out in a safe environment. I don't like trying anything on my computer from the Internet that may cause a virus to enter it. I know that sounds DUMB!! but it's the truth. I will say that I have enjoyed the wiki, NING and Ether pad experience I have had as part of the Green Pod group. Here I was forced out of my comfort zone to participate or to fail and the prospect of failing this subject because of this was too much for me, so I bit the bullet and engaged with the members.
Q2 Facebook and Twitter, is there a place for these in my busy life?
No! I have been informed by Facebook that I have four friends waiting for me to let them onto my friend list. No can do! I've forgotten my username and password and what with the identity theft scare I really wanted to distance myself from the whole scene. I only joined up as part of this course and without access to the Internet at home I find I'm not interested and because the DET bands Facebook, I can't access it after school.
Q3 What tools do I use?
Wiki, Blogging and emailing all of which I use either for work or for uni studies. I have no life!!!!! I would really like to have confidence using the other social networks or have someone to corresponded with. I would like to really use blogging and wiki with the older students at my school and the DET say blogs are the way of the future, but as yet there is no facility for using this with students at primary level.

Wiki, Blogging and emailing all of which I use either for work or for uni studies. I have no life!!!!! I would really like to have confidence using the other social networks or have someone to corresponded with. I would like to really use blogging and wiki with the older students at my school and the DET say blogs are the way of the future, but as yet there is no facility for using this with students at primary level.
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