a) RSS, or really simple syndication is the format for delivering regularly changing web

Aggregation and syndication are used to serve your web pages content. Syndication is according to Wikipedia refers to making web feeds available from a site in order to provide other people with a summary of the website's recently added content. Where aggregation is having new content being retrieved at user determined intervals to create a unique information space or "personal newspaper" states Wikipedia.
To subscribe to an RSS feed you need to have a news aggregator (sometimes called a 'newsreader'), a software tool that collects and displays the feeds you choose to subscribe to. Wikipedia suggests one of the following tools;
1) With a recent browser
2) With an account on an aggregator website.
3) With dedicated Podcatching software
b) del.icio.us http://delicious.com/is a social page which uses a tagging system. Users bookmark interesting pages and assign tags to them. You can share your tags with others, "it is a great way to capture contextual knowledge" states Murugesan.
The advantage to work groups was proven to me when I was marking a group of Maths 3 student assignments. This assignment required the students to bookmark and tag suitable websites to facilitate the teaching of Mathematics to primary students. Each student gave me their del.icio.us user name and password so I could access their selected Websites. Marking this assignment was easy as I could access their assignments from any computer and at any time without carrying around bulky assignments and could easily see for myself the websites value. if a student used an hierarchical tagging system the task was very easy to follow. Some of course called all their tags the course number making the tags irrelevant.
Where as a tag used by a web publisher is called a meta tag. These tags are used used to help search engines find a specific site and to create redirects.
c) Go2Web2.0, how easy is that! All one page and with one single click you can gain access to what you want. But before you go directly to the site you are given on overview to assist with whether this site has what you are after.

Go2Web2.0 informs users of new and updated applications on the web. It has over 3,000 services listed and it adds to this daily, with outdated services being removed.
I went to the E-learning Web 2.0 Tools this stops so much time being wasted. Fantastic in this busy time. You could direct your work group to this site where at a single click they can all be on the correct site without having to type in a web address, which often gets misspelled and without the need to Google. 5 stars from me :)
d) The Elgg social engine provides the following for its subscribers: 'advanced us

welcome message."(Sharma pg.18)
Yes! it would be fantastic as it offers a simple social bookmarking tool and can cater for small or large membership. It is easy to join as the Elgg sends out email and handles all aspects of registration.
Murugesan San 2007 "Second Generation Web Technologies Understanding Web 2.0" published by IEEE Computer Society.
Sharma http://www.packtpub.com/files/Elgg-Social-Networking-Sample-Chapter-Chapter-3-Users-Profiles-and-Connections.pdf
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