The term Government 2.0 is used "to describe the new opportunities presented

Wiki: Senator Kate Lundy
Senator Lundy states, (pg.11, 2009 briefing paper) that the benefits to the people from the government using a wiki to post papers for public discussion will be that, "Individuals and service users must have a say in shaping their own futures and the benefits and services that are offered to them. Detailed feedback from users and community members and genuine and inclusive consultation are important sources of information to improve policy settings and service delivery."

This web 2.0 tool has emerged as a significant channel for breaking news, announcement and discussions on political, social, environmental and commercial topics. The tweetMP site at allows for a "transparent" government. The tweetMP site further suggest that by engaging with the Web 2.0 tools the government is providing "real-time interaction, allowing a unique chance for politicians to connect with their constituency....... let the Government know your ideas and hold them accountable."
Yes! It would appear that by adopting the latest technology the Australian Government if making itself more visible and accessible to all, particularly those young adults who are techno savvy.
Laundy & Waugh
Senator Lundy 2009 briefing paper
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